Portal for College Coaching
Links and descriptions for College Coaching related information organized alphabetically.

college advisors

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College Coach Deb Let me help you complete the marathon of the college process… Together we'll take the steps to cross the finish line! As a state-certified school counselor in both New Jersey and New York with 15 years of admissions experience, I have helped hundreds of students get accepted to the college of their choice. As your college search consultant, I will provide you with the individualized attention, information, and tools you need to find the right college for your child.

college advisors


  National Institute of Certified College Planners    
The NICCP confers the nation's only Certified College Planning Specialist (CCPS)
designation upon financial advisors who successfully complete a ... college advisors at  
  pay for college    
preparing and paying for college scholarship searches funding college college
consultants college advisors free college services. college advisors at  
  College Advisors    
College advisors are available to help clarify the College's degree requirements,
to help you identify potential majors and special academic programs, ... college advisors at  
  College Advising    
Much of this assessment they will do themselves, but faculty members, College
advisors, career counselors and peers can help. ... college advisors at  
  Academic Advising    
College Advisors, Introduces the assistant deans for advising in the College
Office and briefly explains whom you see for general or specific issues. ... college advisors at  

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